TC10150G T C10 150G FASTC10150G, TC10165G TC10165. Fit For the Following Models. Preset 8-10 PSI Fuel Pressure.
Removes Water, Air and Debris From Diesel Fuel. Protects and Extends The Life Of Your Injectors. Decreases Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide Emissions. ½ Inch Fuel Lines and Ports. Optional Fuel Pressure Gauge Port.
30,000 Mile Filter Life Expectancy. Quietest Motor On The Market. For HK/TW buyers, please notify us your government ID #.
For BRA, AR, PER buyers, please leave us your CPF#, CUIT# or RUC# correspondingly. Our guarantee is only for the cost of the item, we will not be responsible for any other expenses such as installation, labor, towing, repair or any other related expenses.